Date | 2022-10-012 YEAR(S) AGO |
Organiser | Teker Sportiroda Kft. |
Contact person
| Mr. Ferenc JANKOVICS |
Race office | HUN Zalakaros, Karos promenade |
GPS | Google-Map |
Online card payment | |
Website of event (competition/hike) | https://karoscross.hu/karoscross-magyar-kupa-futam-versenykiiras/ |
Event (competition/hike) announcement | - |
In the Hungarian Cup competitions, entries are accepted only from competitors with license in the U19 and Elite categories, and in other categories with a leisure card (Cycling for All - C4A) or a license. Neither a sports card nor a license is required in the U9 and Hobby categories.
I accept that each Sportsperson participates on their own responsibility!
As User I accept the privacy policy and the data transfer statements.
1. Karoscross - Cyclocross Hungarian Cup (2022-10-01)