Please select the desired race!
17-24, 25-39, 40-54, 55+ year
6-8, 9-12, 13+ year
17-24, 25-39, 40-54, 55+ year
9-12, 13-16, 17-49, 50+ year
3-14, 15-21, 22-50, 51+ year
Please select the desired serie!
Σ ScoringPAKU2023
2023-03-31 ON-SITE entrants, attention! | Entries for cross-country races close 30 minutes before the start (except 42 km, until 08:00). Hikers can start anytime between 08:30 and 11:00. If you can, please register the Sportperson(s) in advance on the portal, thereby speeding up the on-site administration! Those who have pre-registered can pick up the start package no later than a half of an hour before the start.
2023-03-30 Passenger transport from Balassagyarmat. | On Saturday morning, the SPORTORIGO Ford leaves for Terény from the ALDI parking lot next to the Cultural Center at 07:00 am. There are 4 spaces available. If required, the organizers will pick up the quarter- or halfmarathon competitors at the same place at 09:00 am. The latter can be requested by phone until Friday evening! The return trip can be arranged after the race.
Date | 2023-04-012 YEAR(S) AGO |
Organiser | ATÉMA (Alapítvány) |
Contact person
| Mr. Dániel FÁY |
Race office | HUN Terény, Lace Museum (Arany János u. 70.) |
GPS | Google-Map |
Online card payment | SimplePay |
Website of event (competition/hike) | https://www.fay-inn.hu/v-cserhati-terepmaraton/ |
Event (competition/hike) announcement | - |
This competition is the first stage of the ALDI Palóc Cup cross-country series.
I accept that each Sportsperson participates on their own responsibility!
As User I accept the privacy policy and the data transfer statements.
V. Cserhat Trail Marathon - ALDI Palóc Cup (2023-04-01)