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2024-10-13 Pre-entry deadline extension!
| The online registration for the competition has been extended until October 17 (Thursday midnight). Possible withdrawal DNS
can be set on the entry interface. There is no onsite-entry!
Date | 2024-10-205 MONTH(S) AGO |
Organiser | DKSI Sportszolgáltató Kft. |
Contact person
| Mr. Béla KOVÁCS |
Race office | HUN Debrecen, Velopark |
GPS | Google-Map |
Online card payment | SimplePay |
Website of event (competition/hike) | https://www.veloparkdebrecen.hu/esemenyek-uec-cyclo-cross-european-cup-2024.10.19-08-00-ora |
Event (competition/hike) announcement | - |
I accept that each Sportsperson participates on their own responsibility!
As User I accept the privacy policy and the data transfer statements.
VeloPark Debrecen - UEC Cyclocross European Cup round 2 (2024-10-20)